Scientific calculator
Scientific calculator
Scientific calculator
Scientific calculator
Scientific calculator

Scientific calculator

[ 07/05/2024 - 13/05/2024 ]

Scientific calculator developed with Python integrated with the Tkinter library to design the graphical interface. It has the particularity of knowing how to manage the result by processing it and rewriting it in a more visually pleasing way.

  • It approximates the result or rewrites it as a base ten power.
  • It manages the presence of errors.
  • Input is handled by both on-screen buttons and the keyboard.
  • The text shown is customized and the default symbols of the Python calculation operators are also modified.

For this project, it was essential to know how to manage and manipulate lists, as well as having solving and learning skills to remedy any errors or to implement new unique features.

Skills: Python, Tkinter, Problem Solving

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